Saturday, November 24, 2012

Leaving Las Palmas we are!
so many months, weeks, days of preparations for our first big ocean crossing!
the last days were ....bloody hell - well, if you read our blog, you know I wrote quite often how busy we were - but compared to the last days, these days retrospectively feel like holidays.

I got all the fruit, veg and meat order delivered - our boat looks like a fruit market with all the nets up inside the salon now.
all the boat stuff is done, every corner cleaned, every pair of underpants is freshly put it in a nutshell: we are SO ready to go.

today 12:00 - skippers briefing for the trip.
the last safety instructions are given, and then: the final weather report for the next couple of days.
and the weather is looking foul - actually more than just foul! really rotten!!!! 6-8m waves and the wind from a SSW direction with 35kn - a very deep low just north of the canaries is causing all the havoc.
this was probably the first time I got physically sick when seeing a weather chart! - and looking at Mark  I could see he's not well either!
2 days of bashing into heavy weather....if we would not be in the arc, we would never go out in such a forecast!
so we made the hard decision not to. in order to protect our crew, ourselves and of course our beloved maloo and in order to have a good time and a safe crossing, this is in our case the only decision we can make!

thank god the people from the arc think so too and decided for the second time ever in the last 27 years of arc to postpone the start for those who wish to leave in better weather and strongly recommended the "cruising devision" (the one we're in) not to go out! I wrote in the begining: here we are - and we will stay here until tuesday!

finally a couple of days to catch up on sleep! - and time to celebrate my captain mark's birthday!


  1. Happy belated birthday captain Mark,
    We hope you celebrated in style and kept out of the big storm and out of trouble!
    Pete and I had a drink for you and are cheering you guys on.
    We will be watching your progress cloesly over the next few weeks and wish you both all the best.
    Shannon and pedro!
    p:s: did you ever get your final wedding gift from us?

  2. Wishing you a very safe trip. We are eagerly awaiting news and photos of your crossing. Love Skarryn, Adam and Alex (daughter of Stephen Smith) xo

  3. Smithy,
    Scott and I are watching you (Maloo) on ARC Fleet tracker, you must go faster!
    Someone is beating you, I know you hate that!!
    The weather looks like it has been 'interesting'?
    Lots of love,

  4. Hallo Karline, Hallo Mark, wir sind ja sooo froh, daß Ihr noch nicht rübergesegelt seid - gute Entscheidung auf besseres Wetter zu warten. Mir wären ja schon die Wellen auf dem Chiemsee zu hoch :-) Wir freuen uns über weitere schöne Berichte und Fotos natürlich. Luca und Fabio haben fasziniert Euren Film mit den Delfinen angesehen!
    Liebe Grüße aus Turin und viel Erfolg, Eure Katja, Luca, Fabio und Carsten

    PS: Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich lieber Mark und ...ich glaube Du musst mal zum Frisör :-)

  5. Hallo Karline, Hallo Mark,

    endlich schaffe ich es jetz auch einmal Euch zu schreiben. Immer wieder lese ich euren Blog und bin begeistert (und ein Stück neidisch) auf die tolle Zeit die Ihr zusammen verbringt.

    Für die anstehende Atlantik Querung wünsche ich Euch alles erdenklich gute und bin mir sicher, dass Euch Neptun und Aiolos gnädig gestimmt sein werden. Vorsicht war schon immer die Mutter der Porzelankiste und sie wird sich auszahlen!

    Alles Liebe und Glück und unvergessliche Momente voller Sterne, Sonnenunter- und Aufgänge wünscht Euch Mathias.

    P.S. Auch von mir nachträglich herzlichen Glückwunsch!
