Tuesday, July 9, 2013

photos from our pacific crossing

finally fast internet! so - better late than never....photos from our pacific crossing!

the first little pacific dorade

mhmm! - meal at sea: fresh dorade with coconut risotto

burning morning sky

land ho! fatu hiva after 18 days

maloo arriving in the "bay of virgins"  (photo taken by Mike of lazy bones- thanks!)


  1. Finally some news and PHOTOS from you guys. Truly looks like paradise where you are!

    All the best for the rest of your trip!

    Lots of love, Gisi (painting windows), Terry (finally attacking that table), Sarah (came home on Sunday, helping dad), Nina (currently doing her ski instructor course in Kitzsteinhorn), Laura (making fimo moustaches), Buddy (tied up at the back for being naughty this morning - otherwise his behaviour has improved) and Sammy (concked out at my feet)

  2. Guys,
    Beautiful photos again... Lisa is very envious of the coconut risotto but could not help mentioning that Mark had let his standards slip - she noticed some dust in the cockpit of Maloo!
    We are back in Gibraltar - where it all began!!! We were remembering who we met here for the first time; the Sentas, the Siriuses, the Double-Ds, the Trinities, Hanta Yos and of course Mr & Mrs Maloo.
    Lovely to see your faces again.
    Love to all,
    Gill and the Fabiolas xxxx

  3. Hi guys great photos. It will be interesting to see if you guys go back to work. Good to hear from you again.
