Wednesday, May 8, 2013

day/night #7

wow! the first week is over!
and we're doing really well. with every day behind us we get into our daily routines and feel not nearly as tried anymore than we used to.
of course it's still not fun being woken up in the middle of the night, but the reward is a sky full of flickering stars and the most amazing shooting stars.

maloo is holding up just fine - the wind though was very very light the last 24h. we got the beautiful gennaker out in the morning and got good speed out of it, but with mostly around 6-8kn of wind, the sail collapsed only to fill up again a few seconds later. a constant banging and flapping for the whole day and night....and a bit strenuous, i have to say.
and our course was also not too great.
during the night we changed back to normal sail set up and sacrificed our westerly course to keep the sails full.
finally though yesterday afternoon, we saw a few whales!!!! i think some pilot whales.
and 2 h before sunset we had quite a few bites on the fishing line - unfortunately they all came off the hook, bending it almost straight. must have been, because we changed from the usual squid-lure to a hard one, which is not swallowed so well. some of those fish must have been a substantial size and luckily they just came off without taking our line and lure with, only leaving big teethmarks on it.

so - the wish for the next 24h is a bit more wind and more whales!

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