Wednesday, August 1, 2012

bailing out

a little update on today´s unexpected events. unfortunately the sound isn't real good - the wind's just howling!
but to put it in a nutshell: our plan was to anchor in "one house bay"- a lovely little bay of atokos island, which we actually did. we set a landline ashore and had a good length of anchor out, when this thunder started about 10nm further east, quickly sending very strong gusts and a big swell.

all we could do was quickly cut the landline and get out of this bay, that all of a sudden got too small for the 8 boats in there.

off we went to search for a better spot - the decision to be made was heading south to ithaka or north to lefkas. as there was a pretty bad weather system to be seen south, we went for north - a very good choice, since we were followed all the way by the thunderstorm pushing us with gusts of up to 35kn.

we had a great sail doing over 8kn and lots of fun...poor dinghy didn´t make it up on deck though in the rush that we were in!

we found a nice calm anchorage now in tranquil bay, lefkas - surrounded by hundreds of other sailing boats, that also flew the weather.

doing 8.7kn speed over ground at 32.4kn of wind


  1. so... dann könn ma uns jetzt ausrechnen wie lang das schiff is ;D ...aber wenn der wind stark genug is, kommt sogar das "übelste schwimmklo" ins gleiten hat mir unlängst jemand gesagt... (is natürlich nicht unbedingt euer schiff jetzt gemeint...)

  2. Can't SHHHWRRRRRFFFFFF a PFIIIIIIII word, but SHHHHHRRRRR damn cool!!!!

  3. Das schaut sehr nach "Schluss mir lustig" und "das Leben ist kein Ponyhof" aus! Ja, der Sommerurlaub in ruhigen Teichen scheint zumindest für einen Moment vorbei zu sein! ;)

  4. Looks like fun except for the having to cut the land line bit. Good boat speed. It looked like the dingy was going to beat you there!

  5. Nice bit of action footage there will full sail throttle
