Sunday, July 1, 2012

cleaning up

we´re right in the middle of a couple of very hectic weeks!

cleaning out the flat and painting it, finishing up last projects at work...

and hardly time to get our heads set to the months that lie ahead of us.

currently the sad moments are more than the sunny ones, especially with saying goodbye.

goodbye to my great friends at work (at least some of you will drop in for a short visit... I hope!?) - who I will miss having breakfast with every morning and discuss one or the other very "interesting" topic with!

goodbye to a job that was great fun (most of the times) and a fantastic experience. My boys down in Nazarje have been very patient teachers and I will miss working on some cool stuff with them. After all we did a couple of very nice appliances together.

goodbye to Munich - a town that made it very hard for me to feel at home in the beginning. But we got to know each other and will always be in this funny love-hate relationship. (Sorry, that´s the best it will ever be for an Austrian living in Germany;)

goodbye to my family, my nephews... how much I will miss being sung my birthday song to and the little email-chat (in work hours;) ) to my brother!... but thank god there´s skype!!!!!

and most sadly: Goodbye to my very best friend Buddy, who saved me so many times from hard days, when everything seems to go somehow wrong.
So many times he made me laugh! - but it´s not forever, and as he decided to go on his own little adventure, there is nothing left for me to do but wish him all the best and think of him... hoping he won´t miss me at all!

and the good thing is, that I can be sure he gets to stay with some of the loveliest people I know...and his cousin Sammy, who is his best mate... at least most of the time ;)
I know how much he loves to hang out in the green grass overlooking his new kingdom!

take care, be good and have a great time, my Brown Bear!

but as a good friend once wrote me in a mail: you can´t fly unless you jump!

and jump we will have to! - at the moment however, I am up there on the diving platform with this funny feeling in my gut...


  1. My heart aches when having to say doggy goodbyes :-( there are so many happy & funny memories of buddy that you can tap into to cheer you up anytime I am sure. He will be waiting for the biggest hugs upon your return!!

  2. I am beyond excited for you and Mark. Sending much love from Italy!!!! xx

  3. Dearest Mark and Charlie,
    Goodbyes are always hard.Not only are you saying goodbye to loved ones, friends, work and your beloved pooch you are also saying goodbye to the wonderful life that the two of you created together in Muinch. Your life which had routine, direction and on most occassions was organised. You are leaving a life and a city which was familar to you and are now venturing into the unknown. This will be scary but have faith in your ability and the knowledge you will have each other to share in this amazing journey. You will have one another to rely on and be there together to share the great moments and the hard testing times ahead. This will be a life changing experience and we will be there every step of the way encouraging you and wishing you well.
    I fill with pride when I tell people of your story and I am so very greatful to be able to share in this journey of yours.Pete and I look forward in seeing you on the other side of the world.
    Take care out there and happy sailing on the high seas.
    Love to you both,
    Shannon and Pete.
